Diving Safety Promotion Grant Scheme

Instructions to applicants

Please read these instructions carefully before completing the application form.

Aims of the Scheme

The ADSF Diving Safety Promotion Grant Scheme aims to encourage appropriate diving safety educational and safety promotions aimed at preventing diving-related accidents and reducing the impact of related illness and injuries.

Preference will be given to projects that:

  • Do not duplicate existing campaigns, or, if similar, reach a broader group of divers who might not otherwise benefit from existing campaigns
  • Target suitable strategies for reducing the incidence and severity of decompression illness (DCI)
  • Target improvements in the management of decompression illness
  • Improve the standard of care of divers
  • Enhance the first aid management and treatment for other diving-related disorders
  • Promote and enhance the appropriate reporting of both fatal and non-fatal diving- related accidents
  • Generally promote diving safety and reduce suffering from diving-related incidents.

Eligibility Criteria

Applications will be accepted from any individuals or organisations. Dive operators are encouraged to design suitable projects and apply.

Length of the grant

The grants are generally given for a specific short-term project, or for one year. Awardees may request a time extension in writing, but no additional funding will be provided.


Application forms may be obtained from the Foundation here. Handwritten and incomplete applications will not be accepted.

Applicants may only apply for one grant at a time. However, once a project is completed successfully, further applications can be made by the same individual or organisation. Application forms must be emailed as PDF files and named using the following convention: SURNAME_2018_Nameofdocument (e.g. SMITH_2018_Application_SafetyPromomotion).

Grant Funding

The Safety Promotion Grant Scheme may provide from AUD$1,000 to AUD$25,000 per project, depending on the nature, size and likely effectiveness of the project.

Funds may be used for costs related to the project, including printing costs, small items of equipment, and, possibly salary necessary to complete the project. Cost must be detailed and justified.

Funds may not be used for:

  • entertainment costs
  • computers or software (generally – there may be some exceptions)

Progress and financial reporting

A progress report may be required, depending on the time frame of the project. This will include a financial report of funds spent, progress to date, and expected timeline. A final report will be required at completion, and will include the full financial report and the outcome of the project.

Future applications will not be considered for investigators with outstanding reports.


The Australasian Diving Safety Foundation must be acknowledged in any promotions, presentations and publications arising from the project as a result of this funding.

Application assessment

A panel of Foundation Directors and invited experts will review the applications which will be assessed according to the selection criteria below.

Selection Criteria

  • Relevance to aims of the Scheme
  • Quality
  • Significance
  • Feasibility
  • Track record of individual or team

Feedback will not be provided for any applications. There is no appeal process. The Foundation reserves the right to apply the funding as it deems appropriate.


Queries and applications should be directed to johnl@adsf.org.au.

Download Application

The Australasian Diving Safety Foundation Limited is registered as a charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission ABN 60 623 963 744.